Friday, January 16, 2004

My Journey Recapped (Part 4)

It has been much harder this fall to focus - I hit a 3 month plateau where I have lost the same 5 pounds 4 times, and it has been really hard to get back into a consistent exercise routine.  My sister went through a major health crisis over Christmas and was in ICU.  We flew to Atlanta literally at the last minute and our eating schedule was totally off-track.  The only exercise I got was walking the halls of the hospital.  Fortunately, she pulled through and is doing better. 

My orthopedic surgeon has also recommended that I start riding.  So I went out and bought a new bicycle.  He is the one that suggested that I look into doing the MS 150 in April.  He knows that I was training for the marathon and that I need the goals.  So now my exercise focus has shifted.  I'm walking 2-3 times a week, riding 3-4 times a week, and I'm doing strength training 4-5 times a week as well.  I was trying to continue my therapy exercises, and realized that it was a basic lower body workout, and that I better not forget the upper body workout, so I;m doing 30-40 minutes of strength after 30 minutes of cardio.

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